13 Tips for Hair Growth and What Truly Helps

Each of us longs for strong, healthy, and thick hair, but what can you do for it? It seems that the market is saturated with products promising miraculous hair growth. But what methods and products really work? Among the proven methods are scalp massages that stimulate blood circulation, or dietary supplements with biotin and keratin. There are also shampoos that contain scientifically proven substances to support hair growth. In our article, you will learn how fast hair grows and 13 tips on how to promote hair growth and what really helps. We will explore the most effective dietary supplements and the best hair growth products.

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How Fast Does Hair Grow

Sometimes, we feel that our hair grows incredibly slowly. However, did you know that the average hair grows about 1.25 cm per month? That's roughly 15 cm per year! Hair growth is influenced by genetics, diet, hormones, and many other factors.


Factors Affecting Hair Growth

Hair is influenced by many external factors – from sunlight to smoking. Poor diet and chemicals in shampoos can damage hair and slow down its growth. Yes, you heard it right, many shampoos contain substances that can disrupt hair health. That's why it's advisable to try to choose a shampoo with natural ingredients. Read on to learn how to choose the right shampoo and what substances it should and, more importantly, should not contain.

13 Tips on How to Speed Up Hair Growth

If you want your hair to grow faster, we have 13 tips on how to promote hair growth. From our tips, you will learn which dietary supplements to include, how to take care of your hair and scalp, and most importantly, what to focus on when using shampoos. We will also talk about remedies for faster hair growth. Right at the beginning, let's clarify one thing: Supporting hair growth for both men and women is the same. We won't differentiate. But let's take a look at ways to speed up hair growth.

1. Avoid Restrictive Diets

Did you know that what you eat affects hair growth? If you are trying to lose weight, it can completely stop hair growth. Restrictive diets, which may bring a rapid loss of pounds, have the most impact on hair quality. So, if you're trying to lose weight, try to lose weight healthily and make sure it doesn't worsen your skin and hair. 

2. Consume Enough Proteins

If you don't have an adequate intake of proteins, your hair will start falling out more. Therefore, it's extremely important to ensure you consume enough. The ideal daily intake of proteins is between 1.6 - 2.2 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

3. Try Products with Caffeine

We all know that caffeine provides energy, but did you know it's also suitable for hair growth? But we don't mean you should start drinking 5 coffees a day; we're talking about using caffeine directly on the scalp, for example, by using shampoo with caffeine. There are also various nutritional serums and oils. Studies show that the local application of caffeine to the hair scalp can be as effective as drug therapy. It's worth a try, right?


4. Try Suitable Essential Oils

If you want, you can try essential oils for scalp massage. Usually, coconut oil, jojoba oil, or argan oil are used. However, rosemary or pumpkin seed oil, for example, proves to be far more effective.

5. Supplement Necessary Minerals and Vitamins

Certain vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are crucial for overall health and play an important role in providing the necessary substances for hair growth. Vitamins and minerals used for hair growth include:

Tip: Buying each vitamin separately can be quite financially demanding, so it's advisable to purchase a vitamin mix for beautiful hair directly. In such a mix, there's an ideal combination of vitamins and minerals to mutually support each other. 

Some studies have shown reduced levels of vitamin D, folate, and zinc in people with autoimmune diseases leading to hair loss, known as alopecia areata.

A 2015 study found that supplementing with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for 6 months can protect against hair loss in women. Did you know that dietary supplements are not regulated in the same way as medications? That's why it's important to choose reputable brands. You can try, for example, the European brand mcePharma, which also collaborates with Charles University in Prague.

6. Treat Yourself to a Scalp Massage

A scalp massage can contribute to relaxation and stress relief. According to a 2016 study, it can also support hair health. This study examined the effectiveness of daily 4-minute scalp massages. After 24 weeks, researchers found that men involved in the study had stronger hair at the end than at the beginning. Watch how to do it in the video below.

7. Try PRP Hair Therapy

This therapy is suitable, especially for hair loss after hormonal treatment, postpartum, in stressful situations, and for men to slow down or delay baldness. This treatment can restore lost confidence and naturally restore hair density to the body.

8. Limit the Use of Curling Irons, Hair Dryers, and Other Heat Styling Tools

Heat from curling irons, hair dryers, and straighteners can damage your hair and cause breakage. You don't have to avoid them completely, but you should consider how often you use them. And how to do it to have a perfect hairstyle every day?

After washing your hair, try to style it as desired, fix it with a quality spray, and then, before going to bed, gently put your hair into a bun or ponytail and cover it with a sleep cap – these caps are usually labeled as bonnets and should be made of satin. 

If you use styling tools that use high temperatures to style your hair, try to always use high-quality, preferably professional hair spray for heat protection and minimize temperatures. Although it may take longer, your hair is worth it.

9. Hair Growth Medications

Minoxidil and finasteride are two effective substances approved in Europe for suppressing baldness and promoting hair growth. This medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Minoxidil can dilate blood vessels and capillaries, thereby increasing blood flow in the area of application. By increasing blood flow, more nutrients and oxygen reach the follicles, providing the hair bulbs with enough nutrients for growth. 

10. Collagen Supports Hair Growth

The production of collagen significantly decreases after the age of 25, so it's advisable to start supplementing it in time. When our skin has enough collagen, we have beautiful hair, skin, and nails. Moreover, collagen also supports joint and cartilage health. It's important to know that collagen, as a structural protein, makes up about 70-80% of the volume of the skin, and therefore, it influences the growth and quality of hair. 

Our hair and nails practically originate from the same embryonic basis, and therefore, their quality is often influenced by hormone levels, the presence or absence of vitamins, and iron. Read the article on how to choose the best collagen for hair and skin.

11. Prevent Hair Breakage

Regular haircuts can't influence hair growth because hair doesn't grow from the ends but from the roots. However, regular trimming plays an important role when you want to have long hair. By regularly trimming, you prevent split ends and breakage, thereby helping to have beautiful and long hair.

12. Watch Out for Stress

Stress has a significant impact on the appearance of our skin, nails, and hair. If you suddenly have a problem with hair loss or it seems that they have stopped growing and you are going through a difficult period in life, it may be due to stress. In regards to how to deal with stress, we have written an article, so be sure to give it a read.

13. Home Remedies for Hair Growth: Homemade Coffee Masks

If you're interested, you can also try one of the homemade recipes for hair growth masks. Mix an egg, three tablespoons of olive oil, and two tablespoons of ground coffee. Then, apply this mixture to the scalp (avoiding the lengths of the hair) and leave it on for 30 minutes.


How to Choose the Best Shampoo for Hair Growth?

Opt for so-called activating shampoos that contain caffeine. Caffeine is known to stimulate follicles and can not only promote hair growth but also prevent excessive hair loss. It's also essential to choose shampoos with a natural base without sulfates, which can dry out the scalp and slow down growth. Avoid shampoos containing ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate. Read more about what helps against excessive hair loss.

What to Avoid in Shampoos?

We've already mentioned sulfates, which you should avoid if you want beautiful and long hair. Here is a complete list of ingredients that should not be in shampoos:

  • Sulfates: Ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) are often used in shampoos to create foam. However, they can dry out hair and the scalp, leading to hair breakage and scalp irritation.

  • Parabens: These are preservatives commonly used in cosmetics. Some studies suggest that they may disrupt hormonal balance, which could have an adverse effect on hair growth.

  • Phthalates: These chemical substances are often used to improve the consistency of cosmetic products. However, they can also disrupt hormonal balance.

  • Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde-releasing agents: Used as preservatives in some hair care products, they can cause irritation and allergic reactions, including unpleasant allergic rashes.

  • Dimethicone and other silicones: While they can smooth and add shine to the hair, they can also cause product buildup on the hair and scalp, potentially clogging hair follicles and limiting hair growth.

  • Triclosan: This antimicrobial agent can cause scalp irritation and disrupt hormonal balance.

What a Shampoo for Fast Hair Growth Should Contain 

  • HotFlux®: An excellent patented substance used in shampoos that promote fast hair growth and strengthen existing hair.
  • Caffeine: The caffeine mentioned several times is simply a proven ingredient used in the best hair growth products. Studies show that caffeine can stimulate hair growth by prolonging the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle. 

  • Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto is mainly used in shampoos against hair loss but also supports overall hair health, making it a suitable ingredient in hair growth shampoos.

  • Chili: Chili peppers, specifically their active component capsaicin, are another excellent natural ingredient to support hair growth. This is why activating shampoos often produce a warming sensation. 


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions


When do hair grow the least?

Hair grows the least during the winter months, specifically in January and February.

When do hair grow the most?

Hair grows the most from March to July.

What are the best hair growth products?

The best hair growth products include shampoos with caffeine, dietary supplements with biotin and zinc, and collagen supplements.

What is the best way to support hair growth?

To support hair growth, it's important to combine proper nutrition, suitable dietary supplements, washing hair with caffeine-activated shampoo, and limiting the use of straighteners, hair dryers, or curling irons.

Is there a miracle product that accelerates hair growth?

While there are many products claiming miraculous results, no single product is miraculous.

Is it possible to achieve 10 cm hair growth in a month?

No, it's not possible. The average hair grows approximately 1.25 cm per month.

What helps with hair growth?

Try shampoos with caffeine or collagen.

How to restore hair growth?

You can restore hair growth through proper nutrition, suitable dietary supplements, using caffeine-activated shampoos, or with medications, laser therapy, or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, depending on the cause of hair loss.

How long does it take for hair to grow 10 cm?

Hair grows an average of 10 cm in about 8 months, but it depends on factors such as age, genetics, and others.

What makes hair grow quickly?

Hair can start growing quickly with the help of biotin, zinc, and collagen. However, it depends on whether slow growth was caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

How fast does hair grow after chemotherapy?

New hair is usually visible after 2-3 months.


  • Lodha, G. (2019). Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal shampoo to promote hair growth and provide antidandruff action. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 9(4-A), 296-300.
  • T Chiu, C. H., Huang, S. H., & D Wang, H. M. (2015). A review: hair health, concerns of shampoo ingredients and scalp nourishing treatments. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 16(12), 1045-1052.
  • Fischer, T. W., Hipler, U. C., & Elsner, P. (2007). Effect of caffeine and testosterone on the proliferation of human hair follicles in vitro. International journal of dermatology, 46(1), 27-35.
  • Visconti, M. J., Haidari, W., & Feldman, S. R. (2020). Therapeutic use of caffeine in dermatology: A literature review. Journal of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, 24(1), 18-24.
Lucie Konečná, from nanoSPACE
Lucie Konečná has been working in the field of nanotechnology for 7 years. She is a co-author of the Czech is Nano project and has been involved in building public awareness of nanotechnology. Lucie has been managing operations of the nanoSPACE e-shop since May 2020.