Blog, Page 2

Which Are the Best Acne Patches and How Do They Work

Are you troubled by acne and have you tried various remedies or advice that don't work? A quick and effective solution you may not have heard of yet is acne patches. The biggest hit among acne patches are nanofiber acne patches. Why? Nanofiber patche...

Adult Acne and What Works for It

Struggling with acne as an adult can be both frustrating and cause a lack of confidence. In this article, we explore various aspects of acne and acne skincare, providing insights into causes, treatments, and effective skincare routines tailored to ac...

Microplastics in Cosmetics: Everything You Should Know

Microplastics have become a focal point in environmental and human health concerns in recent years. What are microplastics, and why are they so problematic? How do they enter our water sources and eventually end up in our cosmetics? What cosmetics ar...

Antiviral Gaiter for Summer: Cooling Fabric and FFP2 Efficiency

Introducing the ultralight nanoSPACE Gaiter: a versatile solution for hot summer days. With its breathable design and tested particle capture efficiency ranging from 97% to 99%, this gaiter offers both comfort and protection against various airborne ...

Allergies in May: What Blooms in May and How to Prevent Allergy?

May isn't just about blooming flowers—it's also prime time for allergy trouble. As nature bursts into full bloom, spring allergies gain strength, adding challenges for allergy sufferers. Mold spores and dust mites further exacerbate the seasonal disc...

Allergies in April: Mold, Dust Mites, Pollen and What Blooms in April?

Spring is in full swing, bringing with it spring allergies in April. For allergy sufferers, this period is associated with allergic reactions to various types of allergens, most notably pollen and molds. Trees, bushes, and flowers are in full bloom, ...

What Helps with Lower Abdominal Pain?

Lower abdominal pain can significantly hinder our daily functioning. Whether it's mild or severe, it's important to find ways to effectively relieve it. In this article, we'll first uncover why lower abdominal pain troubles not only women but also me...

How to Properly Wash Blankets and Duvets (Nanofiber, Hollow Fiber, and Feather)

Does your duvet or blanket need washing? If your duvet fits into the washing machine, washing duvets isn't complicated. Just follow basic instructions. Let's see how to wash hollow fiber duvets, nanofiber duvets for allergy sufferers, and feather duv...

Dust Mite Allergies in Dogs

Not only do people suffer from various allergies, but our four-legged friends can also be allergic. Dogs can be allergic to a variety of allergens from dust mites, to pollens, to food allergies. However, in our article, we will focus on dust mit...

How to Clear a Blocked Nose Without Nasal Drops and Sprays

Do you know that feeling - blocked nose that makes breathing difficult and complicates everyday activities? As a result, you seek ways to solve this problem, preferably without using nasal drops. This article will introduce you to several proven meth...

Is Allergy Hereditary?

Allergy is a common issue affecting many people worldwide. But can allergy be hereditary? This question interests many, so let's take a look at allergy and heredity together.   What is Allergy and How Do I Recognize It? Before delving into ...

Conjunctivitis in Children and Adults: Everything You Should Know

You have red eyes and they're watery? You might have conjunctivitis. This inflammation is a common eye condition that can affect people of all ages. While this condition can be uncomfortable and disruptive, with sufficient knowledge and care, it can ...