BreaSAFE Reusable Filters | 10 pcs 10x15 cm

Code: 1736
€16 €13,22 excl. VAT
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Pack of 10 reusable 10 x 15 cm nanofilters for masks with a pocket tested to capture viruses, bacteria and other sumbmicron particles. Skilled seamstresses can use them in antiviral gaiters after the original filter has been destroyed:-) Note, the filter is smaller than the one we use in our gaiters.

The nanofiber membrane has a 97-99% capture of viruses and bacteria. It is suitable for masks with a pocket.

  • It is a highly effective nano filter material.
  • It protects against viruses and bacteria.
  • It contains silver nanoparticles to prevent the multiplication of viruses and bacteria in the mask.
  • Can be used repeatedly if handled correctly.
  • Filter size is 10 x 15 cm, filters fit  YourPocket and YourPocket Silverkiller cotton masks.
  • Purchased respirators, hoods and filters cannot be exchanged or returned for hygiene reasons.

The manufacturer is a member of the European Nanotechnology Industries Association.

Detailed information

Výhoda 1
The largest seller of nano products
More than 400 nanotechnology products under one roof.
Výhoda 2
Czech production
We manufacture nanoSPACE brand products in the Czech Republic

Product detailed description

The extremely dense nanofiber membrane in the nano filter can trap the most common biological threats to human health currently known, such as viruses, dust, allergens and smog. The disposable filters are made of filter material with a tested 97-99% capture rate for viruses and bacteria.

Benefits of the BreaSAFE Reusable Filters:

  • An economical alternative.
  • Tested effective filtration.
  • Reusable.
  • Contains silver nanoparticles with antimicrobial effect.
  • Suitable for all types of masks with a pocket size of 20 x 15 cm (can be adjusted by trimming).

How Does the Nanofiber Membrane in the PARDAM Nano Filter Work?

The nanofiber is 1000 times thinner than a human hair and is invisible to the naked eye. In the Europe, we are experts in nanofibers and were the first in the world to develop a device for the industrial production of nanofibers in 2004 in Liberec. Most manufacturers today use meltblown technology to produce nanofibers, but the European company SPUR produces nanofibers by electrospinning, thanks to which they are able to produce fibers much thinner and achieve the highest filtration capabilities.

The nanofibers are spun into a nanofiber membrane, which can be imagined as a very dense mesh or filter. The holes in this filter are so small that an air molecule can pass through, but a bacteria, virus or allergen cannot. The nanofiber membrane has been tested for trapping sub-micron particles (10-400 nm) and is therefore ideal for trapping a wide variety of bacteria and viruses (SARS-CoV-2 virus is reported to have a realistic size of 80-150 nm).

Why Are Nanoparticles Used in a BreaSAFE Reusable Filters?

Nanosilver has been evaluated as one of the most effective antimicrobial agents. By using a nano-membrane with active silver, microorganisms cannot survive and multiply in the structure of the respirator. The materials used allow the filter to be disinfected or sterilized at home.

How Long Can I Use One Nano Filter?

The filter can be safely used for 8 hours. For continued use, the filters must be sterilized according to the instructions below. If it becomes difficult to breathe through the filter, we recommend replacing it.

How Do I Know if the Filter in the Mask Is Ineffective?

As soon as you feel that it is harder to breathe in your filter hood, this is a sign that the filter is clogged. At that point, we recommend replacing the filter.

Nano Filter Size

  • 10 x 15 cm.

About the Material

Nanofiber membrane.

Protects the User from the Environment

The extremely dense nanofiber membrane captures the most common biological threats to human health currently known, such as viruses, dust, allergens and smog. The disposable filter is made of the unique nanostructured filter material PARDAM and provides effective active respiratory protection, especially in the area of trapping ultra-fine particles between 10 and 400 nm in size (i.e. bacteria and viruses).

No Chemicals

Nanofiber filters work on the principle of a mechanical barrier. No unwanted chemicals are used.


The seller accepts no liability, either direct or indirect, for damages (including loss of profit or loss of reputation) caused by improper application or use of the material.

Instructions for Use:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Remove the BreaSAFE® FILTER from the packaging and place in the pocket of the mask.
  3. Put the mask on your face as per the manufacturer's instructions.


BreaSAFE® FILTER can be:

  • Spraed with nanofiber disinfectant on both sides and allowed to dry.
  • Sterilised in an autoclave or oven (max. 70 °C, 5-10 minutes).
  • Sterilised by ironing (at minimum temperature).

The filter was tested by the manufacturer after 14 disinfection cycles and the functionality of the nano-membrane was retained. If you observe impaired breathing through the filter earlier than that, you should replace it with a new one.

About the Manufacturer PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o.

The manufacturer of the respirators is the company PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o. (formerly only PARDAM) from Rokytnice, which is the world's leading manufacturer of inorganic nanofibers. PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o. is a member of the European Nanotechnology Industries Association.

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JB Avatar of author | 4.1.2022
We like the Repeatable nanomasks, we use them in our sewn masks, we cut them according to the shape of the mask and everything is fine. Yes, we are also satisfied with the delivery
Avatar of author | 30.12.2021
Replaceable filters. And use repeatedly.
MH Avatar of author | 3.11.2021
yes very much, I would recommend him to everyone. I bought it for the whole family
Avatar of author | 28.4.2021
+ Reusable
+ Fairly durable it seems

For the aware , as the covid pandemic overwhelms the entire earth with disposable waste, reusable items are a real boon. So I immediately bought the filters and so far I am satisfied. I've been using the filter for a few days, so far so good.
Avatar of author | 16.3.2021
+ reusable
+ I can breathe better through the filter in the mask, compared to other options, e.g. a respirator (from other companies , I don't know the nano-respirator)

E Avatar of author | 28.1.2021
I like the repeatability, I haven't found other filters like this. They look good quality.

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A Avatar of author cena 10.11.2020 16:24
Dobrý den, cena 349 Kč je za 10 ks nebo za jednu?
L Avatar of author Částice 8.10.2020 14:07
Dobrý den, není zde riziko, že by se z výrobků uvolňovaly do plic nanočástice? Děkuji
IS Avatar of author 8.10.2020 14:38
Dobrý den, tento dotaz nedostáváme poprvé. Obavy zpravidla vychází ze zaměňování nanočástic a nanovláken. Podrobnější vysvětlení naleznete níže v odstavci vyňatém z článku pojednávajícím právě o bezpečnosti nanotechnologií. Níže přidávám i odkaz na celý článek. Organická textilní nanovlákna Odpůrci nanotechnologií straší veřejnost rizikem případného uvolňování jednotlivých nanovláken z povrchu nebo z laminátu materiálu a jejich případného vdechnutí. Průměry nanovláken se pohybují sice v rozsahu 90 – 250 nm, délka jednoho nanovlákna je ale řádově ve stovkách mikrometrů až jednotkách milimetrů. Každé vlákno má po své délce stovky „překřížení“ s jinými vlákny. V těchto bodech působí třecí síla mezi vlákny, která neumožní jednoduché oddělení jednotlivých vláken ze struktury. V nanotextiliích se používají tzv. třívrstvé lamináty, kde je nanovrstva překrytá netkanou textilií, která je přilepena k nanovrstvě lepidlem. Při mechanickém působení může sice dojít k roztržení nanovlákenné vrstvy a oddělení „shluku“ vláken, ale tyto shluky vláken mají charakter žmolku a velikost řádově v desítkách až stovkách mikronů. Tyto žmolky jsou i v případě jejich vdechnutí zachyceny řasinkovým epitelem v nosní dutině. Buňky epitelu vylučují hlen, do kterého se zachycují různé prachové nečistoty a řasinky buněk ho bezpečně posunují do nosohltanu, odkud hlen spolkneme. Zdroj:
M Avatar of author 25.9.2020 12:43
Není tato velikost filtrů vhodná pouze do dětských roušek? Neplánujete prodávat větší rozměry? Velikost jiných Vašich roušek mají velikost filtru 18x9 cm.

The PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o. company is the world's leading producer of inorganic nanofibers and nanotechnology products. The company is a member of the Nanotechnology Industry Association of the Czech Republic and part of the project Czechia is nano.


PARDAM produces and sells FFP2 and FFP3 respirators with nanofiber membrane, which works 

Respirators are designed for comfortable use during demanding physical activity as well as for everyday use. They are suitable for working in a dusty environment, with organic solvents, but also for protection against allergens, viruses and bacteria.

Microorganisms, including viruses and bacteria, that get caught in the nanofiber filter will die in a short time thanks to the silver nanoparticles used. Therefore, users can use the respirator repeatedly and wait with it in health and well-being, even a possible several-week epidemic of a serious respiratory disease. 

What is "COVID-19 Certification"?

In response to the new coronavirus pandemic, the European Union has issued a recommendation that regulates the way the market (especially medical and protective equipment) is supervised in relation to COVID-19. A new official certification type (alongside the FFP series) for COVID-19 has been created to test products against the new standard. As a result, users of COVID-19 certified products can be confident that the respirators are sufficiently effective against SARS-COV-2.