About us
We are a Czech family-run business and in 2012 we became the world’s first manufacturer of anti-dust mite covers, blankets and pillows with nanofiber membrane. Since entering the market in 2012, we have been developing and selling products with nanofiber membrane for people suffering from allergies and asthma. In 2016, we introduced anti-dust mite bedding and blankets made of nano cotton, combining the functionality of the material with high-quality cotton satin.
During the 2020 coronavirus epidemic, we leveraged on our long-term know-how in the field of nanofiber materials to launch production of nanofiber masks and antivirus gaiters. We are a founding member of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association and a partner in the Czech is Nano education project.
We offer the largest range of certified products with Czech nanofiber membrane in the Czech Republic. We are actively involved in projects aimed at popularisation of nanotechnology and we invest large financial afmounts in building public awareness of Czech nanofiber products.
In addition to products with nanomembrane or nanoparticles, we also sell other products we find appealing thanks to their technological sophistication or environmental friendliness. These include dietary supplements with unique dispersibility of active ingredients or eco-friendly washing eggs that reduce the waste footprint.

Our development team
Technology was established. It has been developing new products, improving and expanding the nanoSPACE product line since the beginning of 2022.
At nanoSPACE Technology, we look at innovation not only through how it can help people, but also through whether it has a positive environmental impact. As innovative products we only consider those that help a person to solve problems in a new, effective and ecological way, all at the same time.
NanoSPACE Technology has in its team the world's leading experts in nanomaterials, who are dedicated to the development of new nanotechnology products. The main focus is on biodegradable materials, which will be in high demand in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and textile industry as well as in energy and food industry.

Nature as the world’s greatest nanotechnologist
nanoSPACE focuses on nanotechnologies that can find use in everyday life. We develop and sell products that not only help improve the quality of human life, but are also environment friendly.
We look at innovation not only in terms of how it can help people, but also whether it has a positive environmental impact. For us at nanoSPACE, products are innovative only if they help people solve problems in a new, effective and environment friendly way.

Who do we work with?
NanoSPACE is a founding member of the Association of the Nanotechnology Industry of the Czech Republic and part of the Czechia is nano project. We select the most interesting products from Czech nanotechnology companies for our e-shop.

Meet Our Team

Jiří Kůs founder and CEO, nanoSPACE
Jiří Kůs is the chairman of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, a long-term promoter of Czech nanotechnology and the concept of the third industrial revolution, and a co-founder of nanoSPACE.
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Lucie KonečnáCOO, nanoSPACE
Lucie Konečná has been working in the field of nanotechnology for 7 years. She is a co-author of the Czech is Nano project and has been involved in building public awareness of nanotechnology. Lucie has been managing operations of the nanoSPACE e-shop since May 2020.
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Stanislav JiřinecCFO, nanoSPACE
Stanislav Jiřinec is a co-founder and chief financial officer of nanoSPACE. He has a degree in industrial power engineering and shortly after the 1989 revolution, he started a business in industrial automation and electric engineering.
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Josef HandrejchResearch and development
Josef Handrejch is a graduate of the Technical University of Liberec. At nanoSPACE, he is in charge of research and development of new nano products. He has extensive experience in textile production and application of nanofiber materials.
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Lukáš KonečnýStrategy and business development, nanoSPACE
Lukáš Konečný has been active in the nano field since 2015. He graduated from the University of Economics and Business and has long been involved in digital marketing, digitisation and automation of advertising for technology companies and online projects. At nanoSPACE, Lukáš has been in charge of strategy and business development since May 2020.
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Veronika BízkováSales – wholesale, nanoSPACE
Veronika Bízková has been with nanoSPACE since June 2020. She manages internal processes and communication with wholesale partners where she can use her rich experience in administration and foreign trade.
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Nikola LazorováEconomic officer, nanoSPACE
Nikola joined our team in May 2021. She is our main liaison with the accounting company. She is looking after our accounting as well as helping out with the operation and entire administration associated with our company.
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Veronika ChocholováAdministration, nanoSPACE
team at the end of 2021 and immediately became very important part of our team.
She completed her studies of economics at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. At nanoSPACE she is called „The Queen of Excel tables“. She also ensures there is always enough products in stock.

Tereza SuchanováCostumer Care, nanoSPACE
Tereza is our product specialist, she became part of our team in 2022. She completed VŠTE in České Budějovice and at nanoSPACE is looking after our customers, making sure they are satisfied and happy.
She is always there to help with choosing the right products or helping with any customer claims.